I must admit to waking up feeling much better today. Yesterday's "Bust the Clutter" campaign actually did not last more than a couple of hours but actually accomplished quite a lot.
a) I got STARTED. That, for a born procrastinator, is the important thing. It is easy to get started when you are asking so little of yourself. Literally my first three goals of 50 Throw Away, 25 Put Away, and 20 Junk the Junk took ONLY 33 minutes.
That sounds impossible, but you have to understand how this game is played and how it came about. My little granddaughters were living with me at the time, and we had to keep the place liveable constantly and I wanted to do it without resorting to being a harping nag... so I would tell them we were going to play a game, hand them each a small plastic bag and here we went like hunters stalking big game, looking for things -anything- to throw away. Every thread on the carpet was "game", every crumpled tissue, every speck of paper. We would count as we "bagged"each item and 50 was reason for high fives and shouts! See? Takes no time. :)
Which brings me to the second accomplishment:
b) Hubby got into the 50 Throwaway. He threw away fifty things all on his own and proudly held up his fat bag for me to approve of! :) I think he likes playing cleaning games as well as the girls. I am going to teach him some more. Which brings me to accomplishment number 3.
c) Now that we ARE started, and have made it rather fun, I suspect we will continue until it is done. :) Which brings me to today's goals...
Today the plan is:
Irrevelevant for a few hours as I am heading out of here to get human again and get hair and nails done....
But THEN!!
a) Throw away/burn/or shred at least 50 pieces of paper that have outlived their need and are being kept "just in case a case that will never happen and I know it".
b) Take 5 in 3. That would be take five minutes in three different rooms doing whatever you see needs doing as fast as you can. Use a timer. This is really fun if you have someone(s) also doing it with you and following in the room you just left behind. Kinda like a Chinese fire drill.
c) A 50 outta place - back in place. Again, only this time with fifty small items you find out of place, putting them back IN place. Count EVERYTHING, from the a spoon in the fork section to a penny you put in the change jar.
Ok....ONE person has committed to playing this with me this week! Thanks Tiffany! Anyone else out there???