A very long time ago, when my son was having a very hard time of things, I did a little homework and a little research, and I wrote him this little piece to remind him in yet another way how very special he was. I was astounded myself at what I learned. It became a lesson for myself, as well as a lesson for him.
This is how special you are...
If you had been born in this country 200 years ago, you would have had less than a 20% chance of reaching the age of ten. If you had been born in most of the world today, the same is still true. But this is not the most wondrous part of who you are. Listen...
For only a few hours of one week of one month in a certain year was it even possible that your conception could even occur. There was one in 450 million chances that the sperm that created you did so. Had it not you would have been another child. When you were conceived you received 23 chromosomes from your mother and 23 from your father, but all of those were a toss up from millions. If one chromosome had been different, you would be a different child. Theoretically, any one of 64 trillion children could have been born...yet it was YOU. Add to that the fact that even after you received the chromosomes that led to your creation, they have a quirky little habit of "crossing over", changing pieces and parts of each other and this made for eight million MORE possibilities of you being someone different from who you are. If one chromosome had switched one part with another...you would not exist...
And yet you do. You were born in this country in this time to this family. You were conceived within the only few hours that were possible for you to exist. You beat the odds of one in 450 million to receive a particular sperm, you beat the odds of one in 64 trillion to receive just the right mix of chromosomes, and you beat the odds of one in eight million that no switching was done afterward except that which produced YOU.
Have you any doubt that you are meant to be, meant to exist? Have you any doubt that there is some very special purpose for you on this earth?
Just a thought,